Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ecology and Environment quiz

1. Nagoya Protocol: - comprises a plan to protect biodiversity by setting targets for 2020. As per protocol, nations agree to make 10% of coastal and marine areas and 17% of the global’s land area into protected areas.

2. Manas National Park:- UNESCO has removed the ‘in-danger’ tag from the World Heritage Site in Assam.

3. Agent Orange:- Vietnam has kicked off the first phase of a joint plan with the US to clean up environment damage left over from the chemical defoliant, a lasting legacy from the Vietnam War.

4. Permafrost is the characteristic of the tundra.

5. The term ‘Green House Effect’ was coined by Arrhenius.

6. El Nino is a hot water current that appears after every 5 to 8 years in the east Pacific coast off Peru and Ecuador.

7. Methaemoglobinaemia is caused by presence of nitrate in drinking water.

8. Black Foot Diseases is caused by arsenic in drinking water.

9. 2,4-D, 2,3,4-T are examples of Weedicides or Herbicides.

10. The driving force for an ecosystem is solar energy.

11. Human hearing lies within the frequency of 50- 15000hz. Below 50Hz it is infra sound and above 15000Hz it is ultrasound.

12. Sound become uncomfortable above 100 dB.

13. Pollutant released by jet planes is aerosol.

14. DDT has been a major pollutant as it is non degradable.

15. Fertilisers passed on to fresh water will cause eutrophication.

16. Nitrogen oxides from automobiles and power plants form fine air particles which leads to photochemical smog.

17. The most effective method of conservation of biodiversity is tissue culture.

18. Silent valley having rare plants and animals is located in Kerala.

19. In a National Park protection is provided to Flora and Fauna.

20. Organisation responsible for maintain Red Data Book/ Red list is IUCN.

21. The concept of hot spot was given by Myers.

22. The First biosphere reserve to be established in India was Nilgiri.

23. The first National Park in India was Corbett.

24. In hilly areas , erosion is minimized by terracing.

25. Amount of alcohol allowed to be mixed with petrol in India is 5%.

26. Mulching is helpful in moisture conservation.

27. Land under occupation of meadoews and pastures is 18%.

28. Chipko movement was started in March, 1973 from Gopeshwar in Chamoli District of Tehri Garwal region of Uttrakhand by Sunderlal Bahuguna & Chandi Prasad Bhatt.

29. Transition zone between tow vegetational types is ecotone.

30. Deciduous forests are broad leaved trees.

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